What is a shoulder impingement personal injury claim?

What is a shoulder impingement personal injury claim?

Typically, if you are injured by another person or due to another person’s actions in Louisiana, you can take them to court under personal injury law. One injury that you may sustain is called shoulder impingement. According to the National Law Review, this condition involves damage to the tendons and muscles in the shoulder. It occurs when the tendons rub causing swelling in the shoulder joint. It can be mild or severe, resulting in constant pain and the inability to use the shoulder properly.


Shoulder impingement may be treatable through using medications or processes to help reduce the swelling. You may also be prescribed massage or therapy to help stretch the area and strengthen the tendons and muscles. Sometimes these actions are enough to stop the pain and discomfort. However, it is not uncommon for more treatment to be needed, which includes cortisone shots and possibly surgery. For some people, though, complete recovery may never occur and the symptoms can be chronic, affecting daily life.

Common Causes

This condition is caused by trauma to the shoulder. The most common cause is car accidents. Gripping the steering wheel with stiff arms during an impact can put a lot of strain on the shoulder area. Also common fall directly on the shoulder, such as those experienced by bicycle riders. In any case, a personal injury claim for this type of condition can help you to recoup the money spent on medical treatments or that lost due to not being able to work. This information is only intended to educate and should not be interpreted as legal advice.

Call Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorney for Consultation

If you’ve suffered a shoulder impingement due to the negligence of others, you need to take immediate legal action and claim compensation. Contact The Johnson Firm Lawyers on 337-433-1414  and speak to our skilled personal injury lawyer. We will help you win a favorable outcome.