Louisiana Child Support Calculator

Custodial Parent Non-Custodial Parent
Monthly Gross Income
Combined Monthly Adjusted Gross Income
Percentage of Share of Income
How many children do you have?
Additional Costs:
Child Care Costs
Child's Health Insurance Premium
Extra Medical Expenses (uninsured only)
Extra Expenses (Agreed by parties or court)
Each Party's Support Obligation
Direct payments made by the noncustodial parent on behalf of the child for child care costs, health insurance premiums, extraordinary medical expenses, or extraordinary expenses.
Recommended Child support order

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the provided calculators are for instructional and educational purposes only. They are not intended to be used as legal advice. Child support in Louisiana is calculated using the Louisiana Child Support Guidelines. There are other factors used to determine income and also other factors that can impact the ultimate obligation ordered by the Court. This calculator is meant to assist, however, it should not be relied upon as indicative of what a Court will calculate or order. Before you make any decisions about support, see a child support attorney for legal counsel.