Latashi Eddy and Gregory Lafleur Killed in Acadia Parish Accident

Latashi Eddy and Gregory Lafleur Killed in Acadia Parish Accident

It’s a narrative that’s often ignored, overlooked, or looked down upon, but wearing seat belts can save lives in a car accident. According to statistics, seat belts saved over 329,000 lives between 1960-2012.

In addition to preventing ejection from the vehicle, proper seat belt use also allows air bags to work properly and effectively.

Unfortunately in the early hours of the morning on August 16, 40-year-old Latashi Eddy became a statistic in the category people hope to avoid when she died in a two-car accident on Louisiana Highway 13. The passenger in her car, 40-year-old Gregory Lafleur, succumbed to his injuries after being in the hospital for several days. Neither Eddy nor Lafleur were wearing their seat belts.

Eddy was driving a 2006 Honda Accord heading northbound but encountered southbound traffic when her car traversed over the centerline of the roadway. Eddy collided head-on with a 2015 Chevrolet truck that was traveling southbound.

The driver of the Chevrolet was wearing a seatbelt, and only experienced minor injuries as a result of the incident.

It’s unclear what caused Eddy’s car to veer into the opposite lane, though the accident is still being investigated. Toxicology samples were collected from both drivers and are being analyzed by the Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory.

This is an unfortunate event that claimed the lives of two people. Should you or a loved one be involved in a serious motor vehicle accident, please call (337) 433-1414 to reach The Johnson Firm. We are experienced in handling cases in this realm, and would be happy to assist in a time of need.

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