30-year-old Diamond Foster killed in semi-truck crash

30-year-old Diamond Foster killed in semi-truck crash

Driving alongside a semi-truck on the interstate brings up a lot of questions: Does the truck driver see me in their rear-view mirror? Are they trying to merge into my lane? Should I speed up or slow down to let them in?

It’s possible that 30-year-old Diamond Foster had some of these questions racing through her mind as she drove on Interstate 49 in the late afternoon hours of February 2. A 2021 Kenilworth 18-wheel truck attempted to get onto the highway via the shoulder during that time.

The driver of the Kenilworth accelerated when the individual saw an opening to merge into a lane. Tragically, Foster’s Dodge Caravan collided with the truck, causing her to lose control of her vehicle. 

Foster was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident, but the restraint was not enough to prevent her death as a result of the injuries she sustained. 

The driver of the truck was also wearing a seatbelt and was not harmed in the incident.

Initial results of the investigation indicate that external factors such as the presence of alcohol or drugs were not involved, but toxicology samples were still obtained at the scene. 

It’s also currently unknown whether the truck driver had the legitimate right of way in this scenario, or if Foster should have reasonably yielded as the truck tried to make its way onto the highway.

The Johnson Firm expresses our deepest condolences to Foster’s family and friends. If you or someone you know is injured in a motor vehicle accident, please contact us at (337) 433-1414.

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