Is brake checking illegal in Louisiana?

Is brake checking illegal in Louisiana?

Is brake checking illegal in Louisiana?

Brake checking refers to a driver who deliberately slams on their brakes to force the car behind them to either do the same or swerve. It is hazardous and can result in serious injury, property damage, or death. Usually, this is done either as an act of road rage or in a scheme to get settlement money from the victim.

If you are brake-checked and an accident happens, the idea is that you will be found at fault in court for being unable to stop on time, thus causing damage to the driver in front’s car. The other driver may also attempt to demand payment upfront, pressuring you into giving them cash. This is especially troubling if you are renting or driving for your business. Whatever the reason, a Lake Charles car accident lawyer is what you need to protect from this behavior.

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Is brake checking illegal in Louisiana?

Given the devious nature of the act, you are likely wondering, “Is it illegal to brake check?” In Louisiana, the answer is yes. Brake checking is a dangerous, intentional act that puts everyone on the road, including the one doing it, at risk.

If you have been the victim of this act, you must seek legal action as quickly as possible. A car accident lawyer will ensure the person responsible for the crash faces the full legal consequences of their reckless action. Not only have you and your property been deliberately assaulted by another driver, but any other drivers behind you or pedestrians nearby could have also been hurt or killed.

What can I do if someone brake checks me?

If you have been brake checked, you should immediately call law enforcement and make sure a police report is filed. If anyone was around to see, ask for their testimony. Evidence helps considerably; if lucky, a nearby camera recorded the incident.

You should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible, preferably one specializing in car accidents. Though there is time, you should act quickly to ensure no evidence is lost. A lot can happen within the one-year statute of limitations, and in this instance, your case may include criminal proceedings before you ever file a claim.

Your dedicated car accident lawyer will help you gather the evidence, make your case, and see the legal side of the proceedings. A trustworthy attorney can make all the difference, especially in an easily hidden crime.

Compensation for Lake Charles car accident victims

Anyone involved in a car accident, especially one caused by the negligence or ill-intention of another driver, deserves total legal compensation. Not only are you owed for damages to your car or any medical costs accrued, but you also can receive further compensation for the pain and suffering this accident has caused.

Your lawyer will know how much you can expect and what types of damages to expect. Set up a consultation as soon as you can so you can begin the compensation process.

Reach out to a Lake Charles car accident attorney

If you have been the victim of a brake check-related accident, your best option is to speak to a Lake Charles car accident attorney immediately. They will have the skills and experience to ensure justice is done and you receive the compensation payout you are owed.

The Johnson Firm has proudly served Louisiana for years and is ready to help you in your time of need. Contact us for a free consultation* by calling (337) 433-1414 or filling out an online contact form.

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