Unidentified driver killed in fiery crash

Unidentified driver killed in fiery crash

An unidentified driver was killed on the afternoon of September 3. The incident took place on Louisiana Highway 384 near A. Granger Road in Calcasieu Parish. 

For reasons that are not known at this time, a 2008 Nissan Maxima swerved off the left side of the road. The story did not end there, as the vehicle proceeded to smash into a ditch, and would eventually collide with a large utility pole. 

The series of events caused the Nissan Maxima to burst into flames with the driver trapped inside. The combination of the impact of the crashes and the damage of the fire killed the individual at the scene of the accident. 

These factors have also delayed responders from being able to confirm the identity of the driver, which is a sad wrinkle to the story. 

Additional details are being investigated, including the results of a toxicological sample taken after the crash. At this juncture, it is not known whether the driver was wearing their seatbelt. 

Reports indicate that the resulting fire was well-contained when authorities arrived at the scene. No other vehicles were impacted during the harrowing chain of events. 

The Johnson Firm is also interested in the specifics that law enforcement is able to uncover here. If anyone you know is injured in a motor vehicle accident, we can be reached at (337) 433-1414.

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