Car Accidents

FAQ Categories
Personal InjuryCar Accidents

Who is responsible for a car pile-up? If you have been involved in a pile-up and it is

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

What’s the rule when traffic lights are out? Do you know what to do when a traffic light

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

Is brake checking illegal in Louisiana? Brake checking refers to a driver who deliberately slams on their brakes

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

Who pays medical bills in a pending car accident case? It is not always clear who pays medical

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

My car insurance lapsed and I had an accident. What do I do now? If your car insurance

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

I was injured in a car accident with no health insurance. What should I do? Very few car

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

Who is at fault in a multi-car accident? Crashes involving two vehicles can be far less complicated than

Car AccidentsPersonal Injury

What information should I get from someone after witnessing a car accident? When you are involved in a

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

​​Who pays for the rental car after an accident? When you are in a car accident, you may

Personal InjuryCar Accidents

How do you fix an incorrect police report? Most of the time, a police report will be very